Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ohhhh Avery!!

Well, what can I say!?! Let me just start with.....Avery keeps me on my toes!! She is into joke!! About a month ago, she discovered how to open doors. So last week, I found her in her bathroom....she had took a stool in there from her playroom and got into the drawer and found the was everywhere.....countertop, sink, hair, face, clothes...etc, etc!! Then, the next day, I found her in her playroom with her hands down her pants, and of course it was a poopy diaper, and she had smeared it on her door....YUCK!! Just this past Friday, I found her in her bathroom again, and she was dipping her toothbrush in vasoline and brushing her teeth with it!! And then, to top it off....on Saturday, I had a hair appointment, so Tom was at home with Avery. He said she was in her playroom playing for a few minutes and he went in to check on her, and what did he find?......Avery- completely naked, no clothes or diaper.....and 3 piles of poop on the floor!!! Oh my oh my. Needless to say, he had to call my mom to come help him clean it up. From now until Avery is potty trained, she is wearing a ifs ands or buts about it!!

In other notes:

- We had fun in the snow!! (But I am sooooo ready for spring!!) I'll take temperatures like today though (40+degrees!!)

1 comment:

Jill said...

tooo funny... sounds like you are having sooo much fun!

See ya in a couple of weeks!